Parenting a teenager is no joke!
It’s like living on a volcano… you never know what to expect!
Their mood swings and hormonal changes cause a lot of tension and drama – for them and the whole family.
Your kid used to be so calm and obedient. Now, they post a “Knock before coming in!” sign on their bedroom door.
At times, you hardly recognize them. It’s like they changed at the snap of a finger!
It’s scary when you’re outside their “circle of trust.”
It’s upsetting…
… to not understand what is going on in your child’s life…
… to not know how to communicate without fights and arguments…
… to not know if they’re using drugs or are involved in any risky behaviors…
When they’re eating differently, dressing differently, acting more secretive, and telling you their friends know better than you, you can’t help but wonder who they’re hanging out with.
You want to give them their space, but you naturally have concerns.
You might be thinking…
… that you’ve done something wrong or that it’s your fault.
It’s not! You are NOT a bad parent! Please, stop torturing yourself.
Much of what your teenager is going through is totally normal. They’re changing and seeing the world differently. They want space and privacy.
It’s not easy for you, though. It’s hard to step back and observe as your child makes mistakes and falls.
What applies in an airplane applies to parenting…
“Put your oxygen mask on first, and then on your child.”
You need to take care of yourself before you can help your child. If you’re tired, exhausted, and overwhelmed, there is no way you can productively communicate with your teen and get through these issues.
I’m here to be your supportive guide.
You can learn to communicate with your teen without getting frustrated and exhausted.
You can understand what’s happening with your child and how to react.
There are psychological secrets to successful parenting, and I can show you the way!
Parenting support is a game-changer! Call today to get started with your consultation: (954) 361-4417.