It’s time to recognize the signs…
You doubt yourself and don’t believe you deserve that good job or success in life.
Relationships never work. Either your partner doesn’t respect you, or you sabotage the relationship.
You fail to set boundaries, and when you do, others keep crossing them.
And the people-pleasing… it never stops!
“If only you could say “no” and avoid all these conflicts.”
When all you do is focus on your negatives…
You ignore your achievements and spiral into a pit of self-criticism.
“I’m a failure!”
“I’m not good enough!”
“I’ll never succeed!”
“Everyone’s better than I am!”
Does negative self-talk like this sound familiar?
Low self-esteem can have roots in many things…
If you lived in a hectic or toxic household where your needs weren’t met or your emotions validated…
If your parent or caregiver was abusive or emotionally absent…
If the expectations in your household were so high that you never measured up…
If you were bullied or had poor performance in school…
… or if you’ve been in an abusive relationship…
Your low self-esteem can be due to any one of these reasons.
Therapy can change your story!
No matter how long you’ve been living like this, there is a way to heal. You can improve your self-esteem, be confident, and live free of fear and doubt!
I’ll be honest with you: It won’t happen overnight. If you’re like most people, you’ve treated yourself this way for a long time.
Letting go of the past will take some time, too… but it’s worth it!!
You need a new perspective of self, and I’m here to help!
Here’s what you’ll achieve in therapy…
You’ll start challenging the negative things you say about yourself.
You’ll stop comparing yourself with others.
You’ll get comfortable saying “no” and feel comfortable doing it.
You’ll work through painful past experiences and find self-love and acceptance on the other side!
Don’t let your past control your present and future!
You deserve to love, accept, and enjoy yourself.
But don’t go it alone. Let’s get there together.
Let me support and guide you as you take your power back!
It can all start today with a step in the right direction. Call now for a consultation: (954) 361-4417.