“What’s going on with me??”
Can you even remember the last time you felt happy, free, and joyful?
The same numbness hits you day by day: You’re disconnected from your feelings, yet you’re overwhelmed by sadness and anxiety.
When you go through trauma, you usually find it’s “easier” and safer just to keep your true feelings on hold. That lets you go into “survivor mode” to function during the day, be the boss at work, or be a parent.
The “survival switch” stays on, keeping you vigilant and on edge. Because the moment you relax and let your guard down… or something reminds you of your past… those feelings you tried to “put on hold” hit you.
It’s a vicious cycle of needing to control everything, being unable to relax, and suffering from insomnia and nightmares. You have to ask yourself…
How long can you keep this act up?
Unresolved trauma is stealing your energy.
When you can’t sleep, getting out of bed, taking a shower, or making yourself a coffee can be as hard as climbing Everest. And it’s hard to focus and concentrate. That can have a serious effect on your work performance.
Having your energy sapped each day puts you in a fog. You feel busy, but you’re so scattered you don’t finish anything.
It can take a toll on your relationships, too. Maybe you’re lashing out at your partner or withdrawing from them.
Your “inner saboteur” is always there, ruining everything and creating chaos in your life.
You’ve tried to get a hold of things…
But nothing’s working.
The lies you’ve told yourself haven’t helped you heal.
Numbing the pain hasn’t worked… because it’s numbed the joy and happiness, too.
You do lots of things to hide, ignore, or avoid your feelings, but your body hangs on to what happened.
You’re exhausted because you’re getting constant internal warning signs that you’re unsafe.
I have many tools to help you heal from trauma.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR is one of the most effective trauma therapies available. It allows the brain to reprocess the negative experiences causing you emotional distress, physical tension, and general discomfort.
EMDR has a particular protocol for identifying painful memories and their associated negative beliefs. We’ll decrease their intensity and install positive beliefs and adaptive information in their place.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT is a gentle approach that helps you take “baby steps” through your painful experiences without getting re-traumatized by them. EFT decreases your physical and emotional response to traumatic past events and creates a space for new self-affirming thoughts and beliefs.
–Bessel van der Kolk
There’s no need to lie to yourself anymore!
Hiding from yourself is no longer an option.
But don’t worry: You don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to support and guide you through every step of your journey.
It’s time to act and take a step toward your healing!
Let me address your concerns and talk more about how I can help during your consultation: (954) 361-4417.