Anxiety is super tricky.
It manifests in a million various ways.
You might be restless, irritable, and lashing out at your loved ones or colleagues.
You might have overwhelming, non-stop thoughts that snowball into a monster in your head that keeps you on high alert. It won’t let you relax – not even to sleep.
You might look “put together” to everyone else, but behind the scenes, you’re biting your nails, pulling your hair, picking your skin, avoiding or over-indulging in food, or dreading going outside.
The fear and panic can be debilitating, ruining your life and relationships.
You might not even know you’re depressed.
You might imagine depression as someone lying in bed for weeks, not eating or taking a shower, crying all day, or not wanting to leave the house.
That can be the case, but depression looks different for everyone – and it’s not always so obvious.
Maybe you’re constantly tired or lack the motivation to do what you used to enjoy doing.
Or you feel numb and disconnected… like your feelings are “on hold.”
Perhaps you’ve just given birth and feel miserable with dark thoughts, even though it’s supposed to be the most joyful time of your life.
If you’re suffering from depression, you’re probably putting on a smiling face just to get through the day.
Therapy can help in so many ways.
Sharing your story in a safe, nonjudgmental environment lets you let go of what you’ve been holding inside. Just talking about it makes a huge difference.
In therapy, we’ll identify the unhealthy behavior patterns, destructive thought processes, and habits holding you back. We’ll then transform them into new, productive ones.
We’ll examine the barriers in your life – what’s made life tough and why. Once we know what’s keeping you from making progress, we’ll be able to make changes that take you in the right direction.
I’ll help you push through the shame, fear, and embarrassment that have kept you isolated, lonely, and desperate for so long.
In therapy, you’ll learn to rewire your brain, switch your mood, and cope with stress.
That’s when you’ll find your inner strength and achieve the life you’ve been dreaming of.
It’s time to make a change!
“How did I get here?”
“Why does my life feel like it’s on a loop, going nowhere?”
“Will my life ever change?”
If you keep asking these questions, you’re ready for answers.
And you’re now in the right place to get them!
Let me guide you as you heal and improve your quality of life. Call today for your consultation: (954) 361-4417.